March Break Basketball Shooting Clinic by the Scarborough Basketball Association

March Break Shooting Clinic

March Break Shooting Clinic 1024 528 Scarborough Basketball Association

March Break Shooting Clinic

SBA is proud to bring you our very first MARCH BREAK SHOOTING CLINICS to be held at Canada’s Premier Shooting facility, Shotz City!

Each basketball shooting session will be 2 hours in length. The first hour will focus on the fundamentals (footwork, arm/hand placement, follow thru, etc) and during the second hour, each player will shoot on one of Shotz City’s shooting lanes (2 players per lane) that have the world renowned Shootaway machine and advanced shot tracking technology that will allow each player to take 300+ shots.

We are offering 5 sessions daily.  Maximum of 8 players per session.  Each player will receive a Shotz City t-shirt.

Coach Gordo will run this camp.


Monday, March 11 – Friday, March 15


2:30pm – 4:30pm
4:45pm – 6:45pm
7:00pm – 9:00pm


Shotz City (1275 Morningside Avenue, Unit 6)

March Break Shooting Clinic
At Shotz City


  • March 11-March 15

Location: Shotz City

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